Sharpen your skills to avoid striking out in
real estate conversations! 60+ playing cards that

will challenge you in 6 different categories!

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Do you know the #1 fear of real estate agent is the fear of not knowing what to say? Take your real estate game to the next level by learning the art of CONVERSATION, not by memorizing pages and pages of robotic language. Agent Talk: The Real Estate Convo Game captures real-life situations in a gamified experience so you can feel confident, prepared, and fearless in your next real estate conversation.

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We are passionate web artisans, committed to creating visually stunning and functional websites that captivate audiences and elevate businesses to new heights.

master your
real estate skills

Each game pack includes 60+ cards challenging you in six categories: Lead Gen, Follow Up, Seller Situations, Buyer Situations, Negotiating, and Closing the Deal. Enjoy a fast-paced, real estate scripting game that enhances conversation skills and relationship-building. Play solo or with others! Check out the play directions and optional downloadable game board!

Here's a sneak peek into the card deck! How would you answer the following:


ShippingWhere Should We Ship It?
Your infoWho Should We Ship It To?

grab the
game board...

Download the Agent Talk Game Board for 2 player and team games!

...and get your scripts ready!

TLR Scripts Simplified: Don’t let the fear of not knowing what to say keep you from achieving your goals as a real estate agent.

...and get your scripts ready!

TLR Scripts Simplified: Don’t let the fear of not knowing what to say keep you from achieving your goals as a real estate agent.



OBJECTIVE: The objective of the game is to correctly overcome the objection/situations of the cards you draw. Try to get through as many cards as you can in 15 minutes. Agent Talk recommends playing 15 minutes a day, five days a week! Happy scripting!

STEP 1: Download and print the TLR Scripts Simplified Booklet.
STEP 2: Shuffle the deck. Remove the strike, walk, and the home run cards from the deck.
STEP 3: Set a 15-minute timer.
STEP 4:  Pulling one card at a time, respond out loud to the situation/objection. Try to get your answers in under 10 seconds. Repeat this step until your 15-minute timer is complete.

OPTIONAL GAME BOARD PLAY: The objective doesn't change, but the game does! Download the Agent Talk Game Board and put back into the deck the strike, walk, and home run cards. Shuffle the cards. Each time you feel confident in your response to the objection/situation, place your card on the base, advancing the cards around the bases. If you draw a Strike card, clear the bases and start over. If you draw a Walk card, advance all cards one base. If you draw, a Home Run card, advance all cards to home plate. In your 15-minute game, keep track of how many cards you can get all the way around the bases.


OBJECTIVE: The objective of the game is to see how many runs you can score before striking out. The player with the most runs after 9 innings (rounds) wins!  Agent Talk recommends playing 15 minutes a day, five days a week! May the best team win!

STEP 1: Download and print the TLR Scripts Simplified Booklet (one for each player)

STEP 2: Download and print the Agent Talk Game Board.

STEP 3: Remove the 3 strike cards from the deck.

STEP 4: Player 1 will shuffle the remaining card in the deck. Start by selecting one card at a time and read the objection/scenario to player 2. Player 2 will have 10 seconds to respond. 

STEP 5: If Player 2 responds correctly, they get to place the card on the base. The goal is to answer each card correctly and advance the cards on the base to score "runs". If Player 2 answers incorrectly, Player 1 issues a Strike card. Once Player 2 has 3 strike cards, the roles switch.
If the Player draws a walk card, they get to take a free base.

If the Player draws a home run card, they get to advance all cards on the game board to home base.

The game is over after 9 innings (rounds) have been completed.

**How will you know if you answered the objection/scenario correctly? It was answered in 10 seconds or less and was a reasonable and confident answer agreed upon by both players. If there is a conflict, the Player must defend their answer.


OBJECTIVE: and The objective of the game is to pair up into teams see how many runs you can score before striking out. The team with the most runs after 9 innings (rounds) wins! Agent Talk recommends playing 15 minutes a day, five days a week! May the best team win!

STEP 1: Download and print the TLR Scripts Simplified Booklet (one for each player)

STEP 2: Download and print the Agent Talk Game Board.

STEP 3: Determine the 2 teams and select ONE person as the official umpire of the game. Team members will take "up to bat" turns answering the objection/scenario.

STEP 4: Remove the 3 strike cards from the deck.

STEP 5: The umpire will shuffle the remaining card in the deck. A member from Team 1 will draw a card and read out loud the objection/scenario to the Team 2 member who is "up to bat". If Team 2 answers correctly, they get to place the card on the base. The goal is to answer each card correctly and advance the cards on the base to score "runs". If Team 2 answers incorrectly, the umpire issues a Strike card. Once Team 2 has 3 strike cards, the teams switch roles.

If the Team draws a walk card, they get to take a free base.

If the Team draws a home run card, they get to advance all cards on the game board to home base.

The game is over after 9 innings (rounds) have been completed.

**How will you know if the Team member answered the objection/scenario correctly? It was answered in 10 seconds or less and was a reasonable and confident answer agreed upon by both teams. If there is a conflict, the Player must defend their answer to the umpire.